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Full Stack London

Talk: Milliseconds to Millions - Benchmarking & Optimization for Fun and Profit!!

Ahmad Nassri
Ahmad Nassri
1 min read
Full Stack London

While computing power goes higher costs go lower, and along with that, power and resource hungry software platforms, libraries and practices are becoming more common!

When was the last time you benchmarked the library you are using? how about all it’s dependencies? come to think of it, when was the last time you inspected your dependency tree for inefficiencies? How deep does that rabbit hole go?

In this talk, I will showcase:

  • How to accurately benchmark & measure your code
  • Where to start in identifying bottlenecks inside and outside your project
  • How to contribute your findings back to the community to improve our libraries ecosystem

Ahmad Nassri Twitter

Fractional CTO, Co-Founder of Cor, Developer Accelerator, Startup Advisor, Entrepreneur, Founder of REFACTOR Community. Previously: npm, TELUS, Kong, CBC/Radio-Canada, BlackBerry

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